Date: 5th February 2020
Event:First Convocation Ceremony
Venue:5th Floor Auditorium of PCET’S S.B.Patil College of Architecture and Design, Pune
Theme:Danka 2K19 Cultural fest
Faculty In-Charge:Assoc. Prof.Shilpa Patil, Asst. Prof. Priyanka Dumane
Student In charge:Student Council
Brief of the Event:
S.B.Patil College of Architecture and Design‘s 1st Convocation Ceremony was held on Wednesday, 5th February 2020 at SBPCOAD’s Auditorium. Graduates who passed out during the academic year 2018 -19 received their graduation certificates from the chief guest and Trustee member of PCET’s. The function commenced with academic procession walking into the auditorium, with the conventional tune played at the background.
The programme started lamp lighting followed by Sarawati Vandana and Savitribai Phule Pune University Song.
The Principal Dr.Mahendra H. Sonawane sir welcomed the gathering and also presented an annual report highlighting various achievements of the students. He mentioned that out of 49 students 30 students are in first class with distinction (i.e above 66%), 13 students with First Class (i.e 60% to 66%) and 6 students with Higher Second Class (i.e 55% to 60%) as per 2008 pattern under Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. And he read the messaged received by SPPU Vice Chancellor Dr. Nitin R. Karmalkar sir for the Graduates students of SBPCOAD on convocation ceremony.
The Chief Guest for the Convocation was the Hon’ble Ar.Mahesh Napurkar and Trustee members of PCET, Hon’ble Shri. Dnyaneshwar. P. Landge sir (Chairman), Hon’ble Smt. Padmatai Bhosale madam (Vice Chairman), Hon’ble Shri. Vitthal. S. Kalbhor sir (Secretary), Hon’ble Shri. Shantaram. D. Garade sir (Treasurer), Hon’ble Shri. Bhaijan Kazi sir (Trustee) and Registrar Mr.Yogesh Bhavsar sir, Assoc.Prof. Shilpa Patil (College Exam Officer) and Mr.Nishid Undre (General Secretary –student council), Staff, Students and Parents were also present.
The Chief-Guest Ar.Mahesh Nampurkar, made the convocation address. In his speech he said “ Now onwards the responsibilities on your shoulder is doubled, as on one hand you have to excel in your career and on the other you have duties towards your family members accomplished ". He further said “Architecture is Nobel profession ". Addressing the students he said “Believe in yourself. Believe in all that you are, all that you can be and all that you stand for. ” He concluded his speech by stressing on the fact “Graduation is only a concept. In real life each and every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life" and Learn while earning
Out of 49 degrees 48 degrees were distributed on the Convocation Ceremony. On the behalf of all Trustee members Hon’ble Shri. Bhaijan Kazi sir welcomed all Parents and congratulated all the graduates.
Assoc.Prof Anagha Lawate and Asst.Prof.Priyanka Lokhande welcomed the gathering and Assoc.Prof. Shilpa Patil, College Exam Officer proposed the vote of thanks.
The ceremony closed with the national anthem and all the graduates went back home with flying colors
The function commenced with academic procession walking into the auditorium, Assoc.Prof.Shilpa Patil (College Exam Officer), Toppers, Dr.Mahendra Sonawane (Principal), Ar.Mahesh Nampurkar (Chief Guest) and Trustee members of PCET’s in academic procession
Felicitation of Chief Guest Ar.Mahesh Nampurkar by Bouquet and Citation from Hon’ble Smt. Padmatai Bhosale madam (Vice Chairman) and Hon’ble Shri. Vitthal. S. Kalbhor sir (Secretary)
Hon’ble Ar.Mahesh Nampurkar (Chief Guest) addressing the gathering
Report Prepared by:-
Asst. Prof. Priyanka Dumane
(Internal Senior Supervisor)
Assoc. Prof. Shilpa Patil
(College Exam Officer)